Good monring, it time for our mid month inspiration post where the Design Team are currently sharing some techinuques that are either new to them or ones they particularly enjoy.
A little note about this months winner and Top 3, as I am currently away the winners post will be a little late but I will do it as soon as possible on my return, do keep an eye out for it.
This month it's the turn of Joan, so I will pass you over to her.....................
My turn for mid month and although I don't have a new technique I thought I revisit a technique I haven't used for a long time Here are the supplies needed
Take a piece of wax paper and emboss it through an embossing folder
Put the piece of embossed wax paper between two pieces of card stock, any type, I used one piece of glossy and one plain piece, now iron the stack and you will end up with two pieces of wax resist card stock. The bit I like best is then colouring the card stock with ink pads or sprays and seeing the resist pattern pop out. Here's a couple of mine
And here's the stack I ended up with in no time at all