Following our current challenge for the Design Team, this months sees Lynne trying out a new technique and she has created a glorious sky depicting the Norther Lights or to give them their correct title the Aurora Borealis. I will hand you over to Lynne to tell us how she created it................
The current mid-month challenge for our DT is to try something new. Living in the north of the UK gives us the chance of seeing the Aurora Borealis, if conditions are favourable, and since we moved up here a few years ago I have been lucky enough to see them just once. I follow the Aurorawatch UK website, which sends out alerts when there is the possibility of aurora, and last week there was a red alert, meaning that there was a very good chance of seeing some if the skies were clear! Unfortunately not from here, though, as it was too misty.
However, it reminded me that I have been meaning for ages to have a go at the Northern Lights technique, so that is my something new for this month.
I had a look at a few tutorials, and learned that there is more than one method of producing the effect, using various colours of card for the background. The one I decided to follow was by Emma from Inkylicious, and you can see her video here. This uses black card. Mindful of our one layer theme this month, I worked directly on to the base card (after quite a few practice attempts!).
I didn't get the sweep of the aurora quite how I wanted them, and I think less would have been better (got a bit carried away!), but I'm reasonably happy with the final result as a first effort. I made my own landscape stencils, all stamps are by Inkylicious. It was a fun (not to mention messy!) technique to try, and I'll certainly be having another go!
Thank you so much Lynne, I am sure we will be reaching for our inks.